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Why join VCU Honors College?

By Sneha Gade

Enrolling in the Honors College has special relevance to my undergraduate experience. Coming from small schools and close-knit communities, being thrown into a college with an enormous student body was daunting. The Honors college allowed me to be around peers who were motivated but had unique backgrounds. If it weren’t for being a part of the Honors college, I would not be as socially influenced to work harder towards my grades and future. The Honors College also offers a unique curriculum that incorporates real-life skills into classes. For instance, through HoRVA – a community engagement class, we were able to learn about the community around us, while unknowingly gaining skills in presentation and group work.

Another instance the Honors college has enhanced my learning to a great extent is through my independent research project. If I had a survey given to me to rate classes, I would give Honors Independent study the highest ranking of all the undergraduate courses I have taken. The skills I gained through creating my own syllabus, contacting faculty, designing a proposal, and executing it all are skills that are impossible to gain through a regular class. Doing that independent study enhanced my skills in communication, presentation, writing, and overall made me more confident.

The Honors College also has many opportunities to participate in intriguing discussions. In my Honors Philosophy class, I went to student office hours, where I got to meet a student who was once an afghani refugee. Learning from her broadened my perspectives on the current affairs at that time. Whenever topics regarding refugees come up in real-life scenarios, I can speak confidently and with appropriate knowledge. The above are just a few reasons other undergraduates and incoming freshmen should give it a chance and apply – to gain similar and many more benefits.

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